We are a team of volunteers established in 2002 to support and encourage research and public interest into the unique heritage and cultural identity of the area of Greater Liberton. As well as collating and disseminating the history of the area, the project encourages the conservation of sites important to the cultural heritage of the area.

We have as our home Inch House Community Centre, 225 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh and our meetings are held each week on Mondays between 10.00am and 12.00 am.

We have an extensive library of books, maps, pictures and stories on the estates, historic houses and lives of the people who have lived and worked in the area. We have access to census returns and the records of births, deaths and marriages of the parish of Liberton. Our genealogist has compiled the family trees of the Little and Gilmour familes of Inch House and Craigmillar Castle, as well as the Wauchope family of Edmonstone.

As well as being able to share our information within the community, we are always looking to add to our collections and welcome any donations of pictures and stories relating to the people and places within Greater Liberton.

We can provide talks and presentations on the Liberton area and can give guided tours of Inch House.

Please feel free to contact us at any time.